
Top 20 Movie Fat Guys


2nd February 2007

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Despite being so voluminous he almost doesn't fit in our picture, here we have a guy who hasn't let his XXL size get him down. As a young... err, space slug, Jabba received all the playground bullying you'd expect, but it only made him stronger. Growing up, he threw himself into his crime, and it paid off big time - Jabba the Hutt is now one of the most feared intergalactic crime lords in the galaxy and will vaporise anyone who so much as looks at him funny. His self-confidence has grown so much, he's even got himself a harem of skinny Earth girlfriends, who love to caress his slimy folds and whisper sweet nothings into his... um, ears. Jabba is such a badass, rather than waste time firing his insolent employees, he simply devours them whole - no fuss, no paperwork and they're extremely low in cholesterol.

Like darts, poker and karaoke, pool is one of those sports that welcomes the hefty gentleman - when it comes to playing sticks, you can be the size of a house and still sink your balls like a pro. Just as well, because Fast Eddie's main rival is a big fellow - Minnesota Fats isn't some ironic nickname like 'Tiny'. A big guy who's out of shape, Fats shoots a mean game of pool and certainly gives Paul Newman's big-time hustler a run for his money; although stopping short of blood and tears, he certainly puts his sweat into each and every game whenever he steps up to the green baize. In one marathon 25-hour pool session, Fats skips at least a dozen hot meals while playing - it's a miracle he doesn't start eating the chalk.

White Goodman is better than you, and he knows it, but he wasn't always a gleaming physical specimen and all-round Adonis - no, White used to be a human blob. However, White understood that fatness was a genetic disorder (like baldness and necrophilia) and started shedding pounds, building up his GloboGym empire in the process. Upon getting embarrassed by Vince Vaughn at the Las Vegas Dodgeball open (no body beautiful himself), White falls back into the old routines and gorges himself on donut after donut until he's his former, whale-like self. A pissed-off, fattened-up Goodman then addresses the audience after the credits with a fine performance of Kelis' 'Milkshake', using his own meaty udders as visual aids. Fatty make a funny? He did indeed.

Martin Scorsese's 1980's opus is easily the best boxing movie ever made: De Niro's protagonist Jake La Motta floats around the ring like a twinkle-toed ballerina when compared to Rocky Balboa's knuckle-headed palooka. When his career winds down however, La Motta piles on the pounds in no small amount, canning the boxing for a life as an amateur stand-up comedian and restaurant owner. De Niro gained a record 60lbs to incredible effect: watching a shambling, pie-faced La Motta letch over underage girls and trundle out lame gags made his fall from grace all the more devastating. He coulda been a contender, but in his twilight years, the only thing he'd be succeeding in would be hotdog eating contests.

11. FAT BASTARD from the AUSTIN POWERS movies
You have to feel sorry for poor old Fat Bastard: he weighs a metric tonne, he's Scottish and he's ginger - now that's being dealt a shitty hand in life. A self-styled "big fat slob", FB is one of many familiar-looking enemies of British agent Austin Powers, although it's hard to see how a man with more chins than a Chinese phonebook could stand up to a groovy Judo chop. The reason for his morbid obesity? Self-loathing. On the verge of tears, he reveals "I eat because I'm unhappy... and I'm unhappy because I eat," before blowing it all - quite literally - by punctuating his solemn declaration with a squidgy fart. He was successful in losing weight - last time we saw him, he he'd dropped several belt sizes, although he did suffer the embarrassing side effect of having a neck that looked like a vagina.

Fatties number 10-6, this way! >>>>

More:  Top10  Fat Guys
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