Justin Long

News, Reviews & Features
  • Going The Distance

    Movie Review | David | 12th September 2010

    With Hollywood searching for new and exciting twists on the traditional romcom, Nanette Burstein's Going The Distance looks at the ins and outs of long-distance relationships. To the film's credit, it is accurate in its depictions of this type of relationship - as a man in one, I can vouch for the hardship of long distance love. However, the film itself is disappointingly run-of-the-mill and occasionally bores with its bog-standard presentation.

  • File this under 'awesome': Sam Rockwell is Asshole Batman

    Movie News | Ali | 28th April 2010

    I can't believe I forgot this existed.

  • Youth In Revolt

    Movie Review | Darren | 9th February 2010

    If the movies have taught us anything about true love it's that the path to it never runs smoothly.  Quite whether anyone has been on as arduous a journey in the name of love as Michael Cera's character Nick Twisp in Youth In Revolt is unlikely.

  • Drag Me To Hell

    Movie Review | Ali | 26th May 2009

    Firstly, the spider-shaped elephant in the room. Spider-Man 3 kinda blew. There, we said it - our 3-star review be damned. Frankly it could have been made by any studio hack - the fact that it was made by Sam Raimi, a man who regularly used to work outside and around studio boundaries to great effect, made it an overblown advent...

  • He's Just Not That Into You

    Movie Review | Ali | 8th February 2009

    This shamefully sappy, overly-long romantic odyssey, based on a self-help book of the same name, promises to subvert rom-com clich� and burst wide open the so-called 'rules' of dating etiquette. The movie opens with the shocking revelation that boys who push you down in the playground really like you. The rest of the film, ...

  • Zack And Miri Make A Porno

    Movie Review | Ali | 16th November 2008

    With the credit crunch biting hard, there are only a few constants in the current climate. One, that guys will always jerk off to pornography. Two, filmmaker Kevin Smith can always be relied on for a foul-of-mouth, sweet-of-heart comedy with a lion's share of toilet humour and sentiment. Three, Middle-England will always make it...

  • Die Hard 4.0

    Movie Review | Ali | 18th July 2007

    Beating Indiana Jones to the punch for the winner of the Most Unnecessary Return From Retirement award, Officer McClane steps backs in the field some 12 years after he last saw action. For a movie that was largely expected to curl off a big pixellated PG-13 turd on one of the best action franchises ever, Die Hard 4.0 is surprisi...

  • Waiting...

    Movie Review | Stuart | 15th September 2006

    Kevin Smith may very well have pissed all over the chips of Waiting before it was even served up as a movie. One can almost picture the pitch to the studio: "It's kinda like that Clerks movie. Only it's set in a restaurant. And it's in colour." They may not have added "Only it's not going to be as funny. Or as twisted. Even tho...

  • The Break-Up

    Movie Review | Ali | 30th July 2006

    Not all of us can claim to have crashed weddings, hosted a sorority in our house or entered a Dodgeball tournament, but it's probably fair to say most of us have gone through a break-up of some sort. The harsh words yelled in anger, the resulting fallout and the awkward attempts at reconciliation that follow; not exactly the be...

  • Dodgeball

    Movie Review | Ali | 12th September 2004

    "I find it's best not to have a goal - aim low, and that way you're never disappointed." It happens to be gym owner Peter LaFleur's life philosophy, but it's also a maxim that serves Dodgeball fairly well - after all, a film that's essentially about throwing balls at people could hardly fail to deliver what it promises. Aiming low is exactly what Dodgeball does best - in fact, it aims for around crotch height, targeting the easiest gut laugh each and every time.